Have you all seen that meme that is going around?

It’s Maycember!  Busy like December, but no presents.   School events, graduation parties, end of the school year fun.  It’s definitely a busy month.

It made me laugh.  It has been crazy busy at the farm, but with this Maycember the presents will be coming!  (All the yummy food!)

Ok, lets take a look a what has been happening at the farm.

Beautiful sunrise last week.  It has been so much fun to watch the fields filling up again.

SO MUCH PLANTING! The weather has been cooperative, and we are planting all the crops. There is no frost in the forecast!

Strawberry Update:  Lots of blossoms, starting to see the first green berries.  We are getting close!  We are expecting to get started with them around the first of June.

Planting a garden this year?  We have all kinds of plants available at the farm to get your garden started.  Tomatoes, peppers, beans, zucchini, pickles, cucumbers, broccoli & so much more!

Potato plants are looking great.  We are expecting to see some potato blossom soon! New potatoes will be ready in June.

Don’t forget the summer markets are now open!  See the full list of where you can find us HERE.  Asparagus, tomatoes, lettuce, radishes, green onions & so much more will be waiting for you!

Thank you for your support.  We look forward to seeing you soon!

– Lindsey

PS – Stock your fridge with all kinds of local veggies at the farmers markets this week!  HERE is where you can find us.

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