Several years ago we had a dream.

We wanted to farm year-round.

There was not enough income to support all of the families during the winter months.  And so, other employment need to be found.  The economy was not great  and finding a place to work for just a few months out of the year was difficult.

They would also plow snow for extra income. This lead to many 18 hour days with out much time for rest or family.  After a busy summer this was exhausting and not what we had wanted for our family.

So we set out with a goal… find a way to sell product year round.

We started with a few restaurants that would order our root crops in the winter.  It was just Saturday deliveries with a small pick up.

Then a winter market opened.

Then we started a winter CSA.

We expanded our offerings, added some greenhouses and finally, after several years, we did it.  Enough restaurants jumped on board.  More winter markets had opened, and the winter CSA grew.  Our dream became a reality. We were able to farm year round. No more early morning snow plowing, no more long days of never seeing each other.

This is our fourth winter now and not only are able to keep our three farmers busy but also EIGHT employees.  Eight employees! How amazing is that!?!

Do you know why this has been possible?

It is because of YOU! 

You choose to shop at the local farmers markets even in the cold winter months.

You choose to enjoy meals at restaurants that support local farmers.

You choose to join our winter CSA.


When this time of year comes around I remember that dream.  Remember how far we have come and are so grateful.

Thank you for supporting our farm.  Thank you for supporting our family.  We truly could not do this with all of you.


Wishing you many blessings this Thanksgiving season,

– The Visser Family & CCA Crew

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