
    2 medium  potatoes, cut into 3/4 inch cubes
    2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
    2 tablespoons Olive Oil
    sea salt
    black pepper


Preheat oven to 400 Degrees.

Spray oven pan with oil, spread potatoes evenly on the surface. Sprinkle the minced garlic, drizzle the olive oil, and top with the basil. Bake for 20-30 minutes, until the potatoes are golden.

When they are baked, place potatoes in a large bowl. Add a couple tablespoons of margarine and begin to mash with a potato masher. Add a couple of tablespoons of milk. If it seems to dry, keep adding milk until the right consistency. It should be creamy enough to resemble mashed potatoes, but also somewhat chunky. Sprinkle sea salt and black pepper. Serve and enjoy!

Serves: 4   Preparation time: 30-40 minutes

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